Posts Tagged ‘Samar’s wedding’

And she got married…

We always talked about weddings when we were in school and how we will be present at each ones of our friends…

Samar, my high school friend got married on Thursday. Loulou, my sister, Randa, my cousin and I came to Amman-Jordan to attend her wedding. It was weird to see her in that white dress…she was beautiful…her eyes where sparkling…I guess it is right love makes you happy! It Is hard to describe my feelings when I first saw her…pictures of high school were crossing my mind …how we used to sing during break time and how Samar used to complain about PE, she didn’t like sports…

Samar and her groom

She was smiling all the time, and with everything that was happening she made sure that we were fine, enjoying our time and most importantly that we were dancing around her.

Noor( right) Samar's cousin, Me, Loulou and Randa at the bride's room at the hotel taking some pictures.

We stayed in Amman for 2 days, Samar left the very next day to Sharam el Sheikh. Lina, my cousin who lives in Jordan, made sure that we enjoyed the rest of our stay It was nice seeing her but what I enjoyed the most is the company of her 2 years old daughter Haya. She is a very smart, funny and sweet little girl.


On the way back to Beirut, I couldn’t but think about the school days, about Samar, my high school friends and how we all grew up to a have a different life, but luckily some of us were able to keep in touch…